Installation Guidelines

Construction Man SmallInstallation guidlelines are the same for the following products: Advanced Paintable Polymer, Multi-Purpose and Metal Roof Sealant.

There are variations in application temperature ranges and service temperatures. Please be sure to read the Product Specifications documents for the type caulk / sealant to be used.

Application Introduction

Note: Some installation will not require primer or backer rod. Be sure to read and understand the manufactures installation guidelines for the substrates you are using.

1. Clean – All joint surfaces must be clean, dry, dust-free, frost-free and void of pealing or delaminating paints.
2. Prime – If required by the substrate manufacture, apply primer to the cleaned surfaces.
3. Packing of backer-rod – If the joint required the installation of backer-rod install after cleaning and priming.
4. Seal – Apply Novaflex to the substrate or into the joint. Smooth continuous movement provided the best appearance. Continuous tip-pressure is required to insure positive adhesion to the substrate.
5. Tool – Dry tooling techniques are used to create a flush joint and insure positive adhesion of caulk to substrate. Tooling should be completed prior to product skinning-over.

1. Cleaning Substrates
Different substrates require different cleaning procedures. For example. Cleaning window vinyl would be different than cleaning a spunbond polyolefin, which would be different than cleaning metal products. Cleaning procedures here are generic and manufacture substrate cleaning procedures should be followed.

Over-cleaning a substrate material (such as TPO, EPDM, or PVC) may have a negative impact if the substrate becomes burnished or polished. Using a soft cloth with isopropyl alcohol to remove the major contaminates will result in greater caulk adhesion than scoring the substrate will.

A. Remove larger particles with a soft bristle brush using light pressure.
B. Apply a cleaning solution to a soft rag and remove materials not removed during step A. Always apply the cleaning solution onto the rag so as not to contaminate the solvent by dipping the rag into the solvent container.
C. Apply light pressure wipe the surface to remove containments. Rotate or fold the cloth to a clean area and re-wipe until no contaminants remain.
D. Wipe the area where the cleaning solvent was applied with a new cloth before it evaporate to remove excess solvents. Allow the surface to dry prior to applying either a solvent (if required per the substrate manufacture) or Novaflex sealants.

2. Primer Applications
Generally, Novaflex does not require a primer prior to application, and use of a primer is driven more by the substrate manufactures recommendations than by use of Novaflex. Please refer to the manufactures recommendations.

3. Backer Rod and Packing
When Novaflex is applied to lap joints between flashings a backer rod is not required.

When a backer rod is used be sure to clean and prep the substrates. If applying cleaning and priming solvents be sure to allow them to completely dry prior to application of Novaflex caulk. Acceptable backer rod types are both open cell or non-gassing polyolefin products.

4. Sealing the Joint
Novaflex must come in contact with the entire joint or cavity where the caulk is being applied. Improperly filled joints will not provide good caulk adhesion and sealant performance will be degraded.

Best practice is to apply to a clean, dry, frost-free, oil-free surface. Where surfaces show frost at the outer edges clean using a IPA (isopropanol alcohol).

Application of Novaflex caulk should be done in a continuous movement using a high quality caulking gun. Always apply positive tip pressure to insure the caulk is filling the void and applied to all surfaces.

5. Tooling Procedure
Novaflex is easily tooled and does not require any water, soapy water, or other products. Using these type products can interfere with adhesion and may impact the look after cure. Tool as required with a dry tool applying light pressure before a skin forms. Novaflex will skin over in 10-20 minutes which should be ample time for tooling even in longer runs.